Arnie Ginsburg – “I had a batting average I’d say of 70 or 80 percent”

Ginsburg 1
Some of the sound effects Ginsburg used on air

Arnie ‘Woo-Woo’ Ginsburg was born just outside Boston in 1926 and became the city’s most popular disc jockey during the 1950s and 60s. On air he was unlike anyone else—from his name and voice to his creative advertisements and sound effects. Ginsburg spent much of his career at the AM station WMEX; he later worked for WRKO and was a part owner of the FM station Kiss 108. Since retiring Ginsburg has lived in Ogunquit, Maine, where can be seen driving around with his custom license plate: “Woo-Woo.”

Ginsburg describes how his popular “Night Train Show” first came about, how he got his nickname, and how he accidently launched what he considered to be a “terrible record” to the top of the charts.

Recorded 8/28/15

Ginsburg at Home
Ginsburg at his Maine home in 2015

One thought on “Arnie Ginsburg – “I had a batting average I’d say of 70 or 80 percent”

  1. Robert Camacho says:

    When I was a kid I had a very small portable radio I got from Radio Shack and hid it under my pillow so that when my parents sent me to bed I listened to to Woo Woo Ginsberg play all those great early R&R hits on 1510 AM WMEX. My parents never really knew why I was always so tired every school morning!


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